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Restore Macbook From Time Machine

Hi Saint,
by default time machine dose not back up some parts of the system folder; because in the case of a restore time machine would normally pull that data off of the install disk and or is already installed on the replacement disk. You can, form system preferences time machine, check the disclude list, and remove the entry for the system. Also there are different ways of restoring with time machine. Some ways of restoring put more of the old system folder on the new drive then others.
BUT even then some programs will still ask you for SN; because some programs track this SN on an external server. Or the programs may specifically hide registration information from time machine. Or the program may be smart enough to tell the hard drive is physically different then the one you used to install the software.
  • You can use Time Machine, the built-in backup feature of your Mac, to automatically back up all of your files, including apps, music, photos, email, documents, and system files. When you have a backup, you can restore files from your backup if the original files are ever deleted from your Mac, or the hard disk (or SSD) in your Mac is erased.
  • A restore will take different amounts of time depending on your machine: the amount of data backed up (everything covered by your usual time machine backup), the speed of your connection to your Time Machine disk, and the speed of your iMac's internal disk.
  • (As you can see in the steps below, it is not so easy to do things with Time Machine. Fortunately, you can choose to restore deleted files without Time Machine. How to restore apple email from time machine? There are two options to restore apple email from time machine backup. Restore files from Time Machine backup disk.

Jan 6, 2011 11:40 PM

Last updated: 29 September 2020

Apple's Time Machine software makes it really easy to recover old versions of files, restore your Mac to an earlier version, or set up a new Mac, here's how. How to use Time Machine to restore photos you’ve deleted from the Mac Photos app If you have a backup that’s old enough, you can use Time Machine to restore photos that you’ve deleted in the.

I had a nightmare restoring from a Time Capsule backup. Eventually I found a little-documented solution.

In Brief

– I was unable to restore from a Time Machine backup. Error: “An error occurred while restoring from the backup.” I found next to nothing online to solve this problem.

https://herexload633.weebly.com/dropshare-3-12.html. – The error log showed a “[RESTORE] critical failure (error: -5000…” for which there is no support online.

– The problem affected Time Machine backups on both a USB drive and an Apple Time Capsule.

– The solution is to identify the corrupted files in question and quarantine them (before optionally manually restoring them later).

https://herepfiles303.weebly.com/pointwise-18-1-r2.html. – On Time Capsule backups, this solution is more complicated because of how the backups are saved and how difficult it is to edit them.

The problem

I was trying to restore my machine from a Time Machine backup to a new laptop in recovery mode.

A few hours into the restore (about three-quarters of the way through the data transfer) the restoration would always fail with “An error occurred while restoring from the backup.”

I retried the backup to no avail; I got the same error. On inspecting the log (Window -> Log Window), I saw that there was a “critical failure” that was not being handled gracefully by the Time Machine System Restore app in recovery mode. [Hat tip to drice99 for bringing the installer log to my attention, and Tom Fox for the photo below but one.]

In my case, the file or folder that I later found out was corrupted was a Mac App Store receipt folder for an application called “WiFi Signal”. It later turned out that this app would always (at least on my system) produce a corrupt “_MASReceipt/receipt” folder. My final solution was to completely delete the app and find an alternative so that my fresh Time Machine backups don’t get corrupted from this dodgy folder. But according to various user reports I’ve received via e-mail, this problem affects various apps.

I wasn’t able to take another backup from my old machine. I had to fix the Time Machine backup to restore my system. Editing the Time Machine backup to remove the dodgy folder was difficult.

Restore Macbook From Time Machine

The solution

(1) Initially I needed a Finder and Terminal window so I had to setup the new Mac as new with no user data (as a complete fresh install) so I could fully access the Time Machine backup to apply the fix. Then I connected the backup to the Mac.

(2) In the case of the Time Capsule I had to first mount the backup:

• In Terminal, I ran these commands:

sudo su -

First we escalate our privileges.

hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify -noautofsck /Volumes/TimeMachine/<my-backup>.sparsebundle

Then we mount the Time Capsule ‘sparse bundle’ as if it is a disk.

• By now I had the Time Capsule Time Machine backup of my system mounted as if it was a USB drive Time Machine backup. (So you can skip this second step if you’re working with a USB drive and not a Time Capsule.)

(3) Then I had to delete the problematic folder that was identified in the log:

I took a backup of the folder I was deleting and put it on a USB thumb drive.

Then in Terminal, I ran this command:

sudo /System/Library/Extensions/TMSafetyNet.kext/Contents/MacOS/bypass rm -rfv /Volumes/[disk]/Backups.backupdb/[path] Apple mountain lion upgrade.

NOTE: Since High Sierra the path of the bypass tool has changed, so use:

sudo /System/Library/Extensions/TMSafetyNet.kext/Contents/Helpers/bypass rm -rfv /Volumes/[disk]/Backups.backupdb/[path]

This command uses a Time Capsule ‘Safety Net’ feature that lets us ‘bypass’ restrictions and ‘remove’ (rm) the problematic folder.

To make this more easy to follow, he’s a real world example:

Restore Macbook From Time Machine

Restore Macbook From Time Machine

sudo /System/Library/Extensions/TMSafetyNet.kext/Contents/Helpers/bypass rm -rfv /Volumes/Backups/Backups.backupdb/Harry's Mac/2018-03-01-095034/Macintosh HD/Users/harryfear/Library/Application Support/WiFi Signal/_MASRreceipt

Note that where your path has apostrophes and spaces (such as with Apple computer names like Harry’s Mac), you’ll have to escape those characters by putting a backslash before them as I did above. So, …/John’s iMac/… becomes …/John’s iMac/…

Macbook Pro Restore From Time Machine

https://bestoup798.weebly.com/cd-printing-software-mac-free.html. In cases where you receive error “Operation not permitted” on trying the above command in Terminal on MacOS, please try running the same command (without sudo at the beginning) in MacOS Recovery Mode instead and use the Terminal app there.

How To Restore Mac To Factory Settings

(4) Then go back into Recovery mode on the Mac and reattempt to restore from the modified backup.

Let me know if it doesn’t work.

Restore Macbook From Time Machine
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