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Apple Os Naming Convention

While Apple's previous iPod media players used a minimal operating system, the iPhone used an operating system based on Mac OS X, which would later be called 'iPhone OS' and then iOS. The simultaneous release of two operating systems based on the same frameworks placed tension on Apple, which cited the iPhone as forcing it to delay Mac OS X 10. This should work in either Mac OS 9 and OS X. Just so you know, Mac OS X by default follows the UNIX convention of not showing invisible files in the file browser, the Finder in our case. There are a series of commands that can be entered into the Terminal that will show all invisible files in the Finder. Mac OS X Server 10.2 Jaguar – Tigger macOS edit Public release names for macOS are named after landmarks in California, 61 however the internal codenames naming convention follows after varieties of. MACINTOSH OS 9 CONVENTIONS. The only illegal character for file and folder names in Mac OS 9 is the colon ':' File and folder names may be up to 31 characters in length MACINTOSH OS X CONVENTIONS. Since Mac OS X is build on top of UNIX there are a few inherent conventions that OS 9 users may not expect. Naming Conventions and Version Numbers. Naming conventions are necessary and helpful. For example VPN.pkg is NOT helpful. Give your packages meaningful names and version numbers. Providing vendor and product name, along with important version numbers and vendor identification codes. DO: List your vendor and product name in your package name.

The most conservative file naming conventions provide the most cross-platform compatibility.


  • To compatible with old system shall follow 8.3 rule
  • Otherwise, limit filenames to the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore ( _ ), period ( . ), and hyphen ( - ).

Raise the questions

I developed a module to our software, in which it collects images from a file system and concatenates its caption to file name, then zips all files. New macbook apps. Users can download this zip file and unzip it.

Simple as? Nah! I need to answer the following questions

  1. How long can a directory name be?
  2. How long can a file name be?
  3. Can I use special characters in the directory name or file name?

Research on MAC, LINUX and Windows


  • Linux has a maximum filename length of 255 characters for most filesystems
  • eCryptfs recommends filenames shall no longer than 143, otherwise, it requires more than 255 characters to encrypt

Windows 10

  • Filename length is limited to 255 characters
  • MAX_PATH is defined as 260 characters
  • Reserved Characters:
    • < (less than),
    • > (greater than),
    • : (colon),
    • ' (double quote),
    • / (forward slash),
    • (backslash),
    • | (vertical bar or pipe),
    • ? (question mark),
    • * (asterisk)

Give it a go on MAC

Apple Os Naming Convention

I’m using MAC with MAC OS X, so I just gave it a go.

Macbook system scan is recommended. Conclusions:

  • Filename allows everything, except: /
  • Need to escape some special characters, like ?, *. Otherwise, it behaves weirdly
  • Mac max directory name length: 255
  • Mac max file name length: 255

Not Allowed:/

Weird parts

If a file named ? exists, you cannot do mkdir *, which will return mkdir: ?: File exists

Apple mountain lion upgrade. Buy video slot machine. Roman god of luck. Mac max file name length: 255

Research result:

  1. Most restrict rule is known as 8.3, which shall always work on any platform.
  2. Avoid using “special” non-alphanumeric characters, they may be reserved for special purposes depending on the OS.
  3. Avoid using white space characters such as spaces, tabs, new lines and embedded returns.
  4. Filenames must not lead with .(dot), -
  5. Directory and file names should not be too long, 140 is recommand.
  6. Using filename extension, like .jpg and .doc
  7. Must not use periods in directory (folder) names

Java implementation

Replace replace everything but [a-zA-Z0-9.-]

Ios Names


Apple Os Naming Convention
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